My first "completed" game. Somewhat short but more may be added later

Directions since tutorial is in progress:

Use the mouse(or touchscreen if on iphone) to click and hold around the robot,  holding above go's up, down = down, left = left and right= right.  Holding in the corners also works. Drag the target onto the enemy's that the word matches. To heal and reload return to base( the weird portal thing that you spawn next to). Entering it will also open shop. Transport brings you to next island when you have learned all the words available on the island you are on. (about 5 per island)

There is only 4 islands and a total of 20 words to learn. Also all the islands look basically the same at the moment. If you know ways to make it better (because i definitely will take the help) please comment it.

Again this is my first game so don't expect a perfect product. It probably will have bugs and I will try my best to fix what I can though keep in mind my coding skill are all self taught in the span of 2 different engines and 2 years so it may take me some time.

Development log

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